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  • Home » Automatisierung / Logistik » Nachrichten » Texfinity launches its branch for laundry automation

    TEXFINITY launches its branch for Laundry Automation

    Today a new branch of Texfinity has been launched: TEXCONTROL

    Tag 23 März 2012

    TEXCONTROL is the new branch of TEXFINITY, which has developed a full range of controls for industrial laundry machines. These controls will be put on the range of used machines that TEXFINITY is offering

    Under the umbrella of TEXFINITY, a new brand has been created, TEXCONTROL. TEXCONTROL has developed a complete range of controllers to fit on used machines. The logo of the branch is shown below:


     TEXCONTROL logo


    The advantage of using new controls on used machines is obvious:

    1. Existing controls might not be supported anymore by the manufacturer
    2. Spare parts for the existing controls are not available anymore
    3. Changes to the software, needed for a new implementation can not be done anymore, because the expertise is lacking with the manufacturer, or changes are dramatically expensive
    4. Different brands of used machines will be used in the new set up, using the same controller will make the life of the operators a lot easier
    5. Especially for CBWs and dryer set ups, the new control gives the flexibility to adapt to any requirement of the customer
    6. The access to the controllers via internet will make support for the used machines easier

    TEXCONTROL has developed controller for; CBWs, Dryer and Shuttle control, Stand alone dryer control, Feeders, folders, ironers and tunnelfinishers


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