Moreover, Texfinity will make use of this opportunity to show it's latest developments in the area of automation. Texfinity has developed a whole new range of control systems for CBW's, dryers, feeders, ironers, folders, towel folders, bag systems, Tunnel Finishing systems etc. The main advantage for clients buying equipment from Texfinity is that you will have the possibilty to acquire a second hand machine with a new control, with implementation of the latest technologies. This highly improves the reliability and efficiency of the machine, and every control will have the possibility of being connected to the internet for online diagnostics whenever necessary. The final goal is to highly reduce the downsize time and inmediately help our customers all over the world.
Please contact us for more information or visit our booth G 96 at the Texcare exhibition (from 5 to 9 May 2012). You'll be surprised by the highly attractive pricing.