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    You will find below some recent references with short description of the supplied machines.


    Kopp Textilpflege, Germany; This laundry, which mainly hast rest homes and hotels as clients, replaced their existing Towel folding section with 4 new T.towels from Texfinity and because of the growth of the company and the customer satisfaction later added 2 more Towel Folders.  

    Apparel, Argentina ; This customer trusted us with the first big investment in their laundry, and the first CBW-system.  Meanwhile, they have bought the second CBW-system from us.

    Golden Clean, Chili ; Perfect customer who knows Almeti already for years.  This customer is now looking at major investments and doing them with Almeti Australia ; Many nice customers that trusted us above other suppliers for supplying of large CBW-system. 

    Belgium, Holland, Germany, UK, France, Brazilia, Portugal, Scandinavia, India, China, Russia and many more countries or regions have our excellent references that we can provide upon request.